Whoever created the internet, I hate you.
No, I take that back. Without you, this silly little rant would never have gotten out of my head.
But seriously, getting sick is NOT a good thing, people. You try getting up every morning with a friggin' ache in your back that makes you feel like you ran a marathon the day before. Or try not being able to breathe all of a sudden in the middle of the night. You're like, "What the...!?" and in a coughing fit meant for an old lady of a hundred and three. Or try nursing a mind blowing headache every thirty minutes. It makes you wonder, why the hell did this "bug" decide to land on me?
But it did. Gah. I hate being sick. It makes you weak, feel broken, and in this case phlegmy and gross. The things I've coughed up, you won't believe. I was even scared that this could be dengue. Mosquitos just love me; its why I worship the earth makers-of-Baygon walk on, but I could not, for the life of me, recall the last time I was bitten by a mosquito. So we rule that out.
Whatever this "bug" is, it's almost gone anyway. Feeling much better today. First day it didn't hurt to go downstairs and have breakfast, and first day I was able to play with mah babies without feeling tired 5 seconds later. Heck, first day I got the urge to write again! So, today is a good day.
Kids, let me tell you, don't take your health for granted. Take 'em vits, eat 'em fruits and veggies, and drink plenty of H2O. There's a virus that's gonna make you feel like hell and back again going around, and you best be prepared for it.
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Enough about me. Let's talk about you for a minute. :)