Sunday, August 1, 2010


My mama and papa are storytellers. They have stories on everything: the perfect tocino, childhood in Bangkok, italian-chandelier hardsellers, concerts of Jose Marie Chan in Padre Faura, how the AdMU-San Beda rivalry turned to Admu-La Salle; you name it, they'll have something interesting to say about it.

I grew up listening to these little stories, sometimes told over breakfast, lunch or dinner, sometimes when I'm trying to teach one of them how to operate YM, sometimes while scouring Daiso for the perfect squeaky toy. But it's always on the weekend, when we get to spend the most time together.

As Papa was telling his story of the perfect tocino this morning over brewed coffee, I couldn't help but think, these two deserve to have grandchildren. It would be the most beautiful thing in the world to behold: my parents telling their stories to their grand kids. Ha! I'm actually getting teary-eyed with the thought.

My brother's five kids live with him and his wife's family in Canada. Mama and Papa have only met and interacted with their five real grandchildren twice, and I think because of that limited connection, there's just this wellspring of love in them that spills over to us, the 3 adult offspring still living with them here in the Philippines. Maybe it's why, even if I try my darndest to act like an adult, they still treat me like a high schooler.

Today's realization opened a window in my mind. I've never been the daughter inclined to having children of my own. In fact, I've been very vocal about my being childless. Forever. But today... I think my mama's and papa's stories deserve to be told and heard. I dunno if I'll be the one to give them their new audience, but say if I do, I don't think it'll be so bad. My mental picture is Mama and Papa, on the couch surrounded by awe-struck kids, telling the stories I've come to memorize. It'll be beautiful.

I love you, Mama. I love you, Papa.


  1. having a third generation Tan in the household will surely be life changing! make babies already, tips! :)

  2. Thanks for pointing out the item for correction. :-S


Enough about me. Let's talk about you for a minute. :)